Finance and Accounting

The Finance and Accounting Bureau manages, records and provides financial administrative services at the Ciputra School of Business Makassar

Service Hours

Monday – Friday : 07.30 – 16.30 WITA
Holidays/Sunday : Closed

Payment Process

Payment Process Using BCA

Proses Pembayaran BCA 1Proses Pembayaran BCA 2

Payment Process Using Other Bank

Proses Pembayaran Melalui Bank Lain

Payment Schedule

Jadwal pembayaran 2024/2025

Team Finance

Ary Widiarti, S.E.

Vice Head
Finance and Accounting

Filisya, S.Ak.

Collection Officer
Finance and Accounting

Michelle Foanto, S.Ak.

Tax and Accounting Officer
Finance and Accounting

Yuliana Gozal, S.M.

Account Payable Officer
Finance and Accounting

Michael David Salhuteru, S.E.

Purchasing Officer
Finance and Accounting

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When is the due date for payment?

The payment due date is every 10th of the payment months. UC People can pay tuition when the bill appears on the UC Student App.

  1. What if there is a delay in payment?

If there is a delay, a penalty of Rp 100,000/month will be imposed.

  1. How much is the tuition fee paid for each semester?

The amount of tuition fees paid each semester can you check here

  1. What is the payment method?

The payment can be made through a Virtual Account number used during the first payment process in the New Student Admission.

  1. Where can I get information about payment reminders?

Payment reminders are done through Google Calendar.

A guide for activating Google Calendar can be checked here:



  1. What is SPP Pokok and SPP Kredit?
  • SPP Pokok: a fee that must be paid by students with the same amount every semester, which will be used to support the needs of higher education in organizing the education process.

  • SPP Kredit/SKS: a fee that must be paid by students according to the number of SKS (satuan kredit semester/semester credit units) or the load of each course taken in each semester.

  1. What if I experience problems in the payment process?

You can contact the Finance and Administration Bureau (FA) through WhatsApp at 085341991010 during operational hours on Monday - Friday at 07.30 - 16.30 WITA or click here 

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